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Social and Economic Empowerment of Women An Entrepreneurial Approach

Social and Economic Empowerment of Women An Entrepreneurial Approach

Author:Nisha Pandey
ISBN 13:9788121220156
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology/Women Studies

About the Book

Empowerment of women means improving the social, political and economic status of women and creating an environment where women are free from any kind of physical, mental abuse, exploitation, and prejudice. Women's empowerment and equality has been recognized to be a critical factor for sustainable development. Recognizing the importance of women in the economic growth of the nation, The government of India along with State Governments has taken several efforts for promoting employment, empowerment, labour force participation, education, gender equality and entrepreneurship for the women. Micro-finance with Self Help Groups (SHG) plays an effective role in promoting women entrepreneurship and financial empowerment. Microentrepreneurship is strengthening women empowerment and removing gender inequalities. Micro-credit is promoting small scale business enterprises, and its major aim is to alleviate poverty by income-generating activities. The SHGs micro-credit mechanism makes the members get involved in other community development activities. This book, in particular, deals with a broad understanding of women empowerment. It includes various plans and policies of women development, gender budgeting, gender gap, and promoting entrepreneurship among women in India. In it, we also report a field study of the Maharashtra region conducted by the author with the help of Mahila Arthic Vikas Mandal (MAVIM). The study was conducted to understand how SHGs are enabling changes in society with the help of Community Managed Resource Centre (CMRCs), various training and knowledgebased skill training and activities that promote entrepreneurship among women. This book may help readers in the sensitization and development of a positive mindset for promoting self-reliance among women by creating entrepreneurial capabilities through appropriate training and development. The book is aimed at giving direction to researchers and policymakers to take the right step for empowering women by creating entrepreneurial opportunities for them. About the Author: Dr. Nisha Pandey, an Associate Dean Research and Publication & Chairperson Yunus Social Business Centre at Vivekanand Education Society Institute of Management, Mumbai. Dr. Pandey has completed her PhD in Environment Economics from Harcourt Butler Technological University, Kanpur and Post Doctoral research work from IIT, Bombay. She has worked in various interdisciplinary research projects in several Institute of International repute like Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Management Development Institute, Gurgaon, Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur and presented and published more than 40 papers in the national and international conference, forum and Journals. She has published three books in the area of Social Entrepreneurship. She has travelled many countries to present papers including academy of Management, USA, attended sponsored programme by South Asian Network of Development and Environment Economics (SANDEE) and presented her work on Social Business, in forum like Social Business Day, Thailand. Dr. Pandey has completed ICSSR funded project, MMRD and DST-NIMAT projects and working on Impactfull Policy Research in Social Sciences (IMPRSS). She is also working as a Social Scientist at Wild Life Conservation Committee, Sanjaya Gandhi National Park, Mumbai for Social Impact Assessment, India. She is Managing Editor of "Journal of Development Research" .