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Socio-Economic Parables in Luke: A Mizo Tribal Reading

Socio-Economic Parables in Luke: A Mizo Tribal Reading

Author:Lalfakmawia, H Joseph
ISBN 13:9789351484868
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Christianity

About the Book

The scholarly work deals with Lucan parables such as 1) Parable of the Unjust Steward, 2) Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, 3) Parable of the Mina, 4) Parable of the Sower, 5) Parable of the Rich Fool, and 6) Parable of a Mustard Seed; from socio-economic perspective. The method adopted in doing this research is a Mizo Tribal reading. The author has wisely utilized Mizo oral traditions and cultural heritages such as folktales, folksongs, images, sayings, proverbs, stories and maxims, as hermeneutical tools to interpret the selected parables. Contents Foreword Preface Introduction 1. Socio-Economic Context of Lucan Gospel 2. Socio-Political and Economic Background of Mizoram and Mizo Attitude on Wealth and Achievement: Assessment from Oral Tradition 3. Recent Interpretation of Lucan Parables 4. Exegetical Study of the Parables on Accumulation of Wealth 5. Exegetical Study of Parables on Agricultural Concern 6. Conlusion Appendics Appendix 1: Status and Life of Women in the Past Mizo Society Appemdix 2: Mizo Agricultural System Appendix 3: Main Crops in the Typical Mizo Jhum Appendix 4: Import and Export in the Early Mizo Trade Abbreviations Glossaries Bibliography