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Socio-Economic Transformation of Indian Muslims with Special Reference to Andaman Islands

Socio-Economic Transformation of Indian Muslims with Special Reference to Andaman Islands

Author:Edited by Swapan K Biswas, Hema Bannerjee and Palash Chandra Coomar
ISBN 13:9789357222761
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology/Social problems Social welfare

About the Book

Indian Muslims constitute about 15% of our country’s population. They have played a vital role in the socio-economic and cultural scenario of Indian society in all respects. According to Sachar Committee report a sizeable section of them are found to be socially, politically and economically backward.The outcome of the Sachar Committee report has opened the eyes of Indian Governance and society about the plight of our second largest community in India. Even after seven decades of our democratic governance we have failed to streamline our largest minority in the track of welfare and development . Illiteracy, ignorance and poverty are some of the main reasons responsible for this backwardness. They experience day to day discrimination in education , employment , housing and public services which move the community in poverty. This long-drown deprivation has created discontentment in the minds of poor Muslims who feel alienated from the mainstream of Indian society. In India, the condition of Muslims is pathetic, but when we make a comparative study we find that the Islands Muslims are more progressive in all aspects of Indian society. Islands society is the admixture of all religious and communities who live peacefully with national integrity. Andaman society developed with the origin of Penal Settlement of Indian convicted prisoners in 1858. This society has become a symbol of progress with social harmony and dignity for all minorities including six indigenous tribals. In this vibrant society, the Muslims are cordial, liberal and progressive. The females are highly respected. They share all importance in family life as well as public life. Girls are more educated then boys. Their participation in islands politics is highly appreciable. Inter- religious marriage and involvement in the other religion festivals are common and acceptable. The outcome of the study of Islands Minority community and their contribution in social, economical progress and harmony will help to make a roadmap for the rest of the country. It will become a model of discussion for future planners at administrative level and academicians will get enough space to rethink about their study on Indian minorities especially on Muslims. About the Author: Dr. Swapan K Biswas , Associate Professor & Head , Dept.of Political Science, MGG College , Mayabunder. He has served in PG Dept. JNRM, Port Blair for 25 years. He has to his credit three books and attended 09 Natioanl Seminar. He has also organized 10 National Level Seminar and workshop in JNRM. He has attended 04 International Conference in India and two abroad at Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich-Germany and Universiti Utara Malayasia, Kedha, Malaysia. He has conducted two Research Project under UGC, ICSSR. He has published more than forty research papers in reputed journals and edited books. He is a Life member of Indian Political Science Association, Mureet. He has associated with Institute of Social Science, New Delhi. His special research areas are socio-political aspects of Islands society & Local Self Government. Dr.Hema Bannerjee, Associate Professor & Head, Dept.of Economics, JNRM, Port Blair has been teaching since 25 years. She has published one book. Organized 03 National Level Seminar and has attended 07 National Seminar. She has contributed 03 papers at International Conference in India and has attended UGC sponsored SAM & TOT workshop on women leadership qualities She has more than 25 papers published in reputed journals and edited books. Her special area of research are Women Empowerment & Self Help Group activities and Tribal Economy of Bay Islands. Dr. Palash Chandra Commar, retired as a Joint Director of Census Operation, West Bengal, Ministry of Home Affairs Govt. of India. Initially he started his professional journey in Anthropological Survey of India and served about 12 years. During his service period he has undertaken research work among both tribal and non-tribal communities living in West Bengal, Bihar & Andaman Nicobar Islands. He attended number of National & International seminars including International Conference on Manifestations of History of Andaman Islands held in Munich, Germany. He has published 14 books and more than fifty articles. He is also one of the prominent followers of Netaji’s ideology towards the nation.