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New Arrivals


Author:Edited by Carle C. Zimmerman and Richard E. DuWors
ISBN 13:9788131611685
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology/General References

About the Book

‘While making an assessment of India’s achievements in the new era, one is normally inclined to examine the perspective in the areas of agricultural and industrial development. Yet, to be realistic, appraisal of India’s progress in developing a new society must be equally concerned with gains made in other areas: the cultural transformation, the transformation of value system, and the transformation of India’s administrative bureaucracy.’ This perceptive observation by editors on India’s contemporary situation indicates the spirit in which predicaments of the developing countries have been probed by some of the best known sociologists of the world in this book. The underdeveloped economies of Asia, Africa and Latin America have been chosen for some detailed description, particularly in the realms of planning and the population situation which, whether one likes it or not, remains the major concern of policy formulators in the individual countries as well as international organisations committed to egalitarianism and welfare all over the world. A special feature of the volume is its marked emphasis on the problems of education in the developing countries, particularly India. To understand the real dimensions of India’s sociological problems one has to view these in the matrix of situations in similarly placed countries around the globe. Carle C. Zimmerman and Richard E. DuWors have compiled here a more or less exhaustive matrix of our requirement. It has the assets of views of our best known sociologists sans the irritations of controversies that have unfortunately gripped world sociology today. It should be useful as a text in all universities. CONTENTS Section One—The Problem of Development I. The Sociology of Change in the Underdeveloped Lands / Carle C. Zimmerman II. Rural Development: Is it Sociology or Common Sense? / Wayne C. Rohrer III. Traditional Societies Can Change / Bryce Ryan IV. A Sociologist’s Approach to World Community / Irwin T. Sanders Section Two—Evaluation and Planning V. The Role and Process of Evaluation in Development / Ward F. Porter VI. The Group-Approach to Development Change / Howard W. Beers VII. Community Development: Practice and Theory / Harold F. Kaufman VIII. Development of the Level of Living / John C. Belcher Section Three—Mexico and the Caribbean IX. Agricultural Development in Mexico / Nathan L. Whetten X. The Rural-Urban Gap in Development: Mexico’s Experience / Louis J. Ducoff XI. Development in a Mexican Ejido: Beyond the Revolution of Rising Expectations / Alvin L. Bertrand, Quentin Jenkins and Marcial A. Walker XII. Cuba: Development from Capitalism to Socialism / Lowry Nelson XIII. Cooperative Research as a Prelude to Action in the Dominican Republic / Pablo B. Vazquez Calcerrada Section Four—South America XIV. Some Major Impediments to Agricultural Development in Latin America / T. Lynn Smith XV. Post Revolutionary Organization in Bolivia / Olen E. Leonard XVI. Development in the Central Plateau of Brazil / E. A. Wilkening XVII. Recent Changes in Rural Stratification in Rio de Janeiro / Archibald O. Haller Section Five—India XVIII. India: A Case in Social Change / Douglas Ensminger XIX. Interest Group Potential in the Indian Village / Harold Hoffsommer and D.C. Dubey XX. Directed Social and Cultural Change in Village India / Charles P. Loomis and Lalit K. Sen XXI. Community Development Program in India / Gurcharn S. Basran XXII. Adoption of a New Contraceptive in Urban India: Analysis of Communication and Family Decision-Making Processes / Dinesh Chandra Dubey Section Six—Other Asia XXIII. Rural Development in Turkey / Carle C. Zimmerman XXIV. Land Division in Iran: The Problem is Misunderstood by People from Humid Areas / Carl F. Kraenzel XXV. The Rural Development Experiment at Comilla in East Pakistan / Edgar A. Schuler XXVI. Land Reform Problems in Southeast Asia: With Particular Reference to the Philippines / Roland R. Renne Section Seven—Africa XXVII. AFGRAD: An Experiment in Education for Socio-Economic Development in Africa / Nathan L. Whetten XXVIII. A Successful Rehabilitation Experiment Among the Zulus: The Valley Trust and the Valley of a Thousand Hills—South Africa / Edmund de S. Brunner Section Eight—Some Problems of the Developed Lands XXIX. Differing Regional Rates of Rural Development in the U.S.A. / Arthur F. Raper XXX. Some Human Problems of Southeast Oklahoma / Otis Durant Duncan XXXI. North Carolina’s Wake County: A Review of 50 Years of Change / Selz C. Mayo and A. Clarke Davis XXXII. Developing Farms and Farm Policy in Sweden / David E. Lindstrom Section Nine—Educational Problems and Conclusions XXXIII. The Education of an Indian Minority: The Anglo-Indians / Noel P. Gist XXXIV. The Foreign Student: Innovator of the Future / Margaret Cussler XXXV. A City Man Teaches Rural Sociology to City Students / Richard E. DuWors XXXVI. Development Processes in an Underdeveloped Country / T. K. Narayanan Unnithan