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Sri Babaji Immortal Yogi of the Himalaya (2nd Revised Edition)

Sri Babaji Immortal Yogi of the Himalaya (2nd Revised Edition)

Author:Romola Butalia
ISBN 13:9789393214478
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Saints and Sages

About the Book

Does Sri Gorakshanath’s shakti manifest through different human forms? Is this Lord Shiva’s manifestation? Is Mahavatar Baba the manifestation of the collective divinity of Himalayan saints and siddhas? Did Ashwasthama of the Mahabharat manifest through Hairakhan Babaji? Has Hairakhan Babataken birth in human form? Or entered the body of any yogi through shakti diksha or kaya pravesh? Has this divine personality taken different forms while remaining immersedin samadhi and maintaining a singular identity? What do the saints of the Himalayas have to say about this? What is the current thought and acceptance in yogic and philosophical terms? To answer these questions, I undertook an indefinable journey the journey of life. I visited innumerable sacred places, met many great saints and sages, both known and unknown. We can join the dots in retrospect, but looking ahead, the future remains unknown until we have realised that the future itself is in the past. About the Author: ROMOLA BUTALIA did her Masters in Economics from Delhi School of Economics. As a media person. She worked in print, visual media and digital media. India Travelogue is a website initially created by her in 1997, and she continues to be the Editor. She is co-founder of Save Kumaon, which supports initiatives to Preserve, protect foster and rejuvenate the natural ecology, traditions, culture and spiritual heritage of the Kumaon Himalaya. She has written two books : In the Presence of the Masters and Sri Babaji Immortal Yogi of the Himalayas. She spent many years in sadhana or spiritual practice, bhraman or wandering, swadhyaya or Introspective study and anushthan or prescribed ceremony. As a practitioner in the traditions of the Himalayan yogis, she is known as Sriji. The search for wisdom and joy led to a continuing tryst with the Himalaya. Since 2012, she lives a reclusive life in the Uttarakhand Himalaya.