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Sri Visnu Puranam Part 1 (Amsa l - Amsa III) (Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology Vol. 81)

Sri Visnu Puranam Part 1 (Amsa l - Amsa III) (Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology Vol. 81)

Author:Translated by T K Narsimhan
ISBN 13:9789392510441
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Vedas and Puranas

About the Book

The word Puranam means that which was composed first purvasmin bhutam puranam. There are eighteen Mahapuranams- (Vide This work, III. Vi. 20) They form three groups, namely, sattvika, rajasa and tamasa. The six, Matsya, Kurma, Linga, Siva, Skanda and Agni are tamasa Puranams. The six Brahmanda, Brahmavaivarta, Markandeya, Bhavirya, Vamana and Brahma are rajasa Puranam-s and the six Visnu, Naradiya, Bhagavata, Garuda, Padma and Varaha are sattvika Puranam-s. This classification of the Puranams and other works according to the qualities which prevail in them is found in the Uttara Khanda of Padma Puranam.