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Sterilization and Preservation Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide

Sterilization and Preservation Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide

Author:Mamata Mukhopadhyay and Anuradha Chatterjee
ISBN 13:9789390658497
Subject:Science and Technology

About the Book

The book encompasses potential applications of newly emerging green technologies using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (scCO2) for effective sterilisation and preservation of three broad categories of substances, namely, (i) foods and pharmaceuticals, (ii) biomaterials and medical devices, and (iii) clinical solid wastes, including increased bio-load of PPE, masks, face shields, etc., to address the current pandemic problems. After presenting the importance of sterilisation and preservation, and adoption of the green scCO2 technology for this purpose, the book provides a detailed classification of foods, biomaterials and medical implants, and the microorganisms and enzymes responsible for their contamination. The book describes various methods of characterisation and evaluation of safety and sterility of the scCO2-processed products. The conventional sterilization technologies are discussed, highlighting the merits of the green emerging scCO2-technologies vis-a-vis the demerits of the existing ones. It also presents the unique characteristics of scCO2 and how these have been utilized in a variety of scCO2 processing applications. An in-depth knowledge is provided on the mechanism of sterilization and preservation using scCO2 without adversely affecting the quality of the material. A detailed description is presented about the processing techniques and effectiveness of the use of this technology, citing several case studies on liquid and solid foods, biomaterials and medical implants, and clinical solid wastes, without having any negative impact on the environment. This unique compilation will be immensely beneficial to a large number of academicians, researchers and Food and Pharmaceutical Industries, in addition to students of food engineering, pharmaceutical sciences, and waste management as a textbook. Contents 1. Introdution 2. Classification of Foods, Biomaterials and Microorganisms 3. Characterisation Methods and Evaluation of Sterility 4. Conventional Processes for Sterilisation and Preservation 5. Processing with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide 6. Sterilization and Preservation of Solid Foods with Supercritical CO2 7. Sterilisation and Preservation of Liquid Foods Using Supercritical CO2 8. Mechanism of Sterilization and Preservation Using Supercritical CO2 9. Sterilization of Biomaterials and Biomedical Devices with SC CO2 10. Clinical Sold Waste Management with ScCO2 Sterilization Technology About the Authors A Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering in 1969 from the Ohio State University, USA, and having served in three IIT’s, namely IIT Kanpur, IIT Delhi, and IIT Bombay in succession, as an Assistant Professor to a Full Professor, and later as an Adjunct Professor in the department of Chemical Engineering at IIT Bombay, Prof. Mamata Mukhopadhyay has been actively involved in the teaching, research, design, and technology development activities for more than five decades. Her teaching and research areas of interest encompasses Thermodynamics, Cryogenic Engineering, Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SCFE)Technology, Food Processing with Supercritical Fluids, CO2-based Processes for Production of Ultra-fine Particles, and Silica Aerogels for Drug Delivery. She supervised several B.Tech., M.Tech. and Ph.D. research projects resulting seven patents, three books, two book-chapters, and more than 165 publications in reputed peer-reviewed international journals and conference proceedings. Her contributions were immensely recognized in terms of several national and international awards. For the first time in India, the SCFE Technology was indigenously developed and made commercially viable in India under her stewardship, by building a world-class commercial prototype SCFE pilot plant. She also developed several innovative SCF-based Processing Technologies for Nutraceutical Concentrates and CO2- pressurized hot water Extraction Technology for production of natural sweetener from stevia leaves. She has given consultations to a number of industries and successfully completed several research projects sponsored by the Govt. and industries. Dr. Anuradha Chatterjee was awarded her Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering at IIT Bombay in 2006. After post-graduation with honor in the field of Cytogenetics and Molecular Biology from the University of Mumbai, she ventured into the Chemical Engineering discipline at IIT Bombay with a vow to undertake applied research of immediate industrial relevance. Her research based on her Ph.D. dissertation: “Sterilisation and Stabilization of Food Products using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide” resulted two patents and a number of technical publications. Apart from teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, she has been actively involved in applied innovative research on inactivation of microorganisms and inhibition of enzymes. Her research contributions and skilled presentations have attracted a few Food and Pharma industries to explore commercialization of her research findings.