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Strengthening Decentralisation through PRIs and SHGs

Strengthening Decentralisation through PRIs and SHGs

Author:Sujit Kumar Paul
ISBN 13:9789386682314
Subject:Indian Politics and International Relations

About the Book

Decentralised governance has been conceived as an instrument of local self-government for promoting healthy and sustainable development. Decentralised governance is assumed to provide more effective and competitive delivery of service at the grassroots level. So, the enormous and growing discussions on decentralisation have attracted the attention of scholars and policy-makers all over the globe. The present book attempts to cover diverse aspect of decentralisation process covering diverse issues and experiences connected with Panchayati Raj Institutions and Self-Help Groups. The book attempted to provide a holistic picture of the decentralisation process with a special reference to Panchayati Raj Institutions and Self-Help Groups. The book contains both theoretical and empirical aspects of decentralisation, PRIs and SHGs. This book will be an invaluable guide to the students, researchers, teachers, academicians, development workers, planners, policy-makers and various development organizations interested in local self-governance and decentralised planning.