Studies on The Impact of Environmental Pollution on Pharmacognostical, Phytochemical and Bioactive Properties of An Aquatic Weed (Hydrilla Verticillata (L.F.) Royle and A Terrestrial Weed (Ruellia Tuberosa L.) Species
Author: | Dr V Mary Kensa |
ISBN 13: | 9789388008488 |
Binding: | Hardbound |
Language: | English |
Year: | 2019 |
Subject: | Botanical Science/Medicinal and Aromatic Plants |
About the Book
This book will provide the selected plants (H. verticillata and R. tuberosa) showed variations in tissue architecture to adapt to the polluted environment. Besides, these structural aspects are sufficient signs of eco-physiological plasticity under unstable environmental type and confirm healthier adaptableness of these plants. Existence of distinctive facets in relation to anatomy in the selected plants along with reported active antioxidant components. These components discreet in determining fortune of these plants despite multifarious environmental challenge ranging from rising pollution to augmented soil and water toxicity. Unequivocally, these anatomical modifications have established resistance in plants for survival under contrasting environments and suggesting that species can be further investigated as a potential ingredient in phytoremediation.
Since the selected weeds H. verticillata (growing in an aquatic environment) and R. tuberosa (growing in terrestrial environment) are generally used in traditional medicine for the various ailments, it is important to understand their pharmacognostic, phytochemical and bioactive properties relevant to its growing conditions,i.e., unpolluted and polluted environment. The present study registered theantioxidant compounds, anti-oxidant enzymes, free radical scavenging activities, anti-inflammatory properties and wound healing activity of the whole plant dry powder extract of H. verticillataand R. tuberosa. In addition, this study also registered the impact of pollution on the pharmacognostic, phytochemical and bioactive properties of the selected weeds and compared it with unpolluted growth condition. The impact of polluted condition reflected the morphology and anatomy of the selected weeds also noted. The book provides basis for further research on impact of the environment on the morphological and anatomical structure of a plant and their chemical constituents which is involved in various pharmacological activities.