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Terror Funds in India: Money Behind Mayhem Hardbound

Terror Funds in India: Money Behind Mayhem Hardbound

Author: Dr V Balasubramaniyan and Dr SV Raghavan
ISBN 13:9788170623168

About the Book

Terror Funds in India: Money Behind Mayhem seeks to unravel this labyrinth of the financial networks of these groups individually and their money supply chain which has fuelled terrorism in India for decades. In an attempt, this book has captured the transition in the financial networks from traditional sources of funding such as state sponsorship to financial sources such as FICN, kidnapping for ransom, extortion, levy etc. And more importantly, new age financial sources using social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook etc. have also become a major source of revenue generation mechanism for these groups. In this book, information gathered from open source data is matched with data gleaned from reports shown to the authors by top intelligence, police and government officials during informal interviews. Money Behind Mayhem Money Behind Mayhem attempts to revise our thinking that the ideologies that once motivated the terrorists and insurgents are being overtaken by money and crime. In that sense, Money Behind Mayhem argues that there is only a very thin line differentiating these groups from criminal organisations. It argues that money is the jugular vein of the terrorists and insurgent groups, and unless this political economy is severed, efforts to fight terrorism in India will be futile.