Testing of Construction Materials
Author: | Ravi Kumar Sharma |
ISBN 13: | 9789386768285 |
Binding: | Softcover |
Language: | English |
Year: | 2019 |
Subject: | Science and Technology |
About the Book
Contents: 1.Determination of specific gravity of a stone sample.2.Determination of water absorption and porosity of given stone sample. 3.Determination of weathering qualities of natural stone. 4.Determination of durability of natural building stones. 5.Determination of compressive strength of a stone sample. 6.Determination of water absorption of burnt clay bricks. 7.Assessment of the liability of burnt clay bricks to efflorescence. 8.Determination of compressive strength of burnt clay bricks. 9.Determination of moisture content and specific gravity of timber specimen. 10.Determination of compressive strength of timber (i) parallel to grains (ii) perpendicular to grains. 11.Determination of tensile strength of timber (i) parallel to grains and (ii) perpendicular to grains. 12.Determination of brittleness of timber by Izod and Charpy tests. 13.Performing tensile strength test on (i) mild steel flat (ii) mild steel bar and (iii) mild steel wire and to determine the field strength, ultimate tensile strength, percentage elongation, percentage reduction in area, modulus of elasticity, modulus of resilience and modulus of toughness. 14.Determination of hardness number of steel and other metals. 15.Determination of impact strength of steel by (i) Izod test (ii) Charpy test. 16.Checking the ductility of reinforcement bar by cold bend test. 17.Determination of fineness of cement using (i) dry sieving (ii) Blaine's air permeability methods. 18.Determination of (i) standard consistency (ii) initial and final setting time of cement sample using Vicat's apparatus. 19.Determination of soundness of given samples of cement and lime by: (i) Le-Chatelier test (ii) autoclave test. 20.Determination of compressive strength of cement sample. 21.Determination of material finer than 75 micron present in aggregates by washing. 22.Determination of silt, clay and fine dust in aggregates by sedimentation method. 23.Estimation of the organic impurities in fine aggregates. 24.Determination of specific gravity and water absorption of coarse aggregate. 25.Determination of specific gravity and water absorption of fine aggregate. 26.Determination of bulk density and percentage voids of aggregate. 27.Determination of fineness modulus and particle size distribution of coarse, fine and all-in aggregates. 28.Determination of percentage bulking of fine aggregate sample. 29.Determination of surface moisture (moisture content) of aggregates. 30.Determination of impact value of aggregate using impact testing machine. 31.Determination of abrasion resistance of aggregate using Los - Angeles abrasion testing machine. 32.Determination of consistency of freshly mixed concrete of given proportions by slump test. 33.Determination of workability of freshly mixed concrete of given proportion by compaction factor test. 34.Determination of workability of fresh concrete by Vee-Bee consistometer. 35.Determination of workability of fresh concrete using flow table....
Testing of Construction Materials provides thorough understanding of the testing techniques in the subject. A brief theory is included with each experiment to familiarize the students with the basic principles and objectives. Photographs and figures of the experimental setup have been studied. The procedure, methods and relevant tables are based upon Indian standard specifications. Sample data along with the interpretation, calculations, relevant graphs and results are included for the students to understand various steps involved in testing techniques. A sufficient number of viva-voce questions are given at the end of each experiment.