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The Census in British India: New Perspectives

The Census in British India: New Perspectives

Author:Edited by N Gerald Barrier
ISBN 13:9789388540285
Subject:History/Modern Period

About the Book

"The censuses are a most important source of material on social, economic and political issues concerning nineteenth and twentieth century India. Initiated for informational purposes in mid-nineteenth century, the census became regularized and evolved as an institution, growing and changing each decade. And because British concerns varied with time and region, the information elicited from the decennial census operation also shifted in emphasis. Ethnography and religion, for instance, were thought to be essential elements in the earlier censuses, giving way in the twentieth century to interest in economic and industrial matters. The personality and per­spective of individual census commissioner also stamped the material. Taken as a whole, the census covers a panorama of Indian life. The census material has been made wide use of by scholars from different disciplines. Yet the presence of bias, mis­understanding, and conscious distortion in them and the important problems they raise regard­ing the value and extent of their use have not received due attention. In 1977 the Association for Asian Studies at its New York Conference went into this issue. This volume consists of papers read at the Conference and revised later, and includes other contributions also. In them the scholars, familiar with one or more dimensions of the census pool their insights so as to raise questions and to carry forth a more extensive awareness of methodological problems involved in making use of census materials. Here is a volume which all scholars doing or conducting research in social sciences will find extremely useful."