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The Evolution of Evaluative Indicator

The Evolution of Evaluative Indicator

Author:Abhay Maurya and Amit Kumar
ISBN 13:9789392594526
Subject:Library and Information Science

About the Book

This book aimed at academics, academic managers, administrators and professionals in scientometrics, information scientists and science policy makers at all levels. This book reviews the principles, methods and indicators of evaluative of information processes in science and assessment of the publication activity of individuals, teams, institutes and countries. It provides scientists, science officers, librarians, researcher and students with basic and advanced knowledge on bibliometrics, scientometrics, webometrics and altmetric, especially the clarification of quantitative aspects of impact of scientific publications measured by citation indicators. Contents Preface 1 Introduction 1 1.1. Introduction 1 Quantitative Indicators 2 Performance Indicators 3 Researcher Performance Indicators 14 Data Sources 16 1.2. The Evolution of the Indicator 18 Output indicators 19 Methodological complications 20 Multivariate and dynamic analysis 21 The European Union and the Field of Research Evaluation 23 The Internet and the Development of Cybermetrics and Webometrics 24 Reflexive Scientometrics 25 References 27 2 Bibliometric and Scientometric Indicators 31 2.1. Author Impact 31 (a) Web of Science 32 (b) Scopus 32 2.2. Total Citation 33 (a) Scopus 34 (b) ISI Web of Knowledge 36 2.3. Audience Factor 38 2.4. Cite Score 39 Comprehensive 40 Transparent 40 2.5. Researchgate Citations 42 2.6. Microsoft Academic Search Citations 43 Academic Knowledge API 43 2.7. Google Scholar Citations 46 2.8. Eigen Factor 47 Steps to calculate Eigenfactor 49 2.9. Crown Indicator 51 2.10. Mean Citation Score 53 2.11. Mean Normalized Citation Score (MNCS) 53 Method of calculating the Mean Normalised Citation Score (MNCS) 54 2.12. Mean Citation Rate Subfield (MCRS) 55 2.13. Scientific Talent Pool 56 2.14. Microsoft Academic Search Papers (MASP) 56 2.15. Google Scholar Papers 57 Features and specifications 58 2.16. Impact per Paper (IPP) 60 2.17. Citations per Paper (CPP) 60 2.18. Citations per Paper Self Citations not Included (CPPex) 60 2.19. The Average Number of Citations per Publication (ANCP) 61 2.20. Total and Average Number of Citations (TNCS) 61 2.21. Relative Activity Index 61 2.22. Relative Specialization Index 62 2.23. Relative Citation Rate 62 Calculating the RCR 63 2.24. Relative Database Citation Potential (RDCP) 63 2.25. Journal Acceptance Rate (JAR) 63 Calculating acceptance rates 64 Comparing acceptance rates 64 2.26. % Self Citations (%SC) 64 2.27. Percentage of Papers Not Cited (%PnC) 64 2.28. Percentile Rank (PR) 64 Counting highly cited papers 65 2.29. LogZ Score 67 2.30. Innovative Knowledge (IK) 67 2.31. Technological Impact (TI) 67 2.32. Normalized Position of Publication Journals (NPJ) 68 2.33. WorldCat Hold (WCH) 68 2.34. Papers in Top 1 (PT1) 69 2.35. Papers in Top 10 (PT10) 69 2.36. Papers in Top 50 (PT50) 69 2.37. Highly Cited Papers (HCP) 69 2.38. Papers in First Quartile (Q1) 69 2.39. Publications in Thomson Reuters Indices 70 2.40. Number of Highly Cited Publications (NHCP) 70 2.41. Publications in Top Ranked Journals (PTRJ) 70 2.42. Papers in Collaboration 70 2.43. Share of Articles Co-authored with Other Unit (%CoA) 71 2.44. National Collaboration (NCol) 71 2.45. International Collaboration (ICol) 71 2.46. Scientific Leadership (SL) 71 Scientific leadership: ha index and its limitations 71 2.47. Average Authors per Paper 74 2.48. Productivity per Paper 74 2.49. Rate of Growth (RoG) 75 2.50. Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) 77 2.51. Relative Growth Rate (RGR) and Doubling Time (DT) 77 2.52. P-Score 78 2.53. Editorial Team Scholarly Index (ETSI) 79 References 81 3 h-based Indicators 85 3.1. i10 Index 85 3.2. i20, i100, i1000, and i10000 Index 85 3.3. h5 Index and h5 Median 87 Limitation 87 3.4. g-Index 88 3.5. a-Index 91 3.6. r-Index 92 3.7. ar-Index 94 3.8. h(2) Index 95 3.9. hg-Index 96 3.10. k-Index 98 Comparing the k AND h– Indexes 101 3.11. q-square Index 103 3.12. m-quotient 105 3.13. Contemporary h-Index 105 3.14. Trend h-Index 106 3.15. Dynamic h-Index 106 3.16. Seniority Independent Hirsch Type Index 108 3.17. Specific Impact s-Index 109 3.18. f-Index 112 3.19. m-Index 113 3.20. Weighted Hirsch-Index (hw-Index) 113 3.21. Modified Hirsch Index (hm-Index) 114 3.22. Normalized Hirsch Index 114 3.23. Tapered Hirsch Index 115 3.24. Rational Hirsch Index (hrat Index) 117 3.25. v-Index 117 3.26. e-Index 117 3.27. Multidimensional h-Index 119 3.28. Research Collaboration and Communities Collaboration Index 120 3.29. Citer Analysis Index (ch-Index) 122 3.30. Citation Speed s-Index 122 3.31. h2-Lower, h2-Center and h2-Upper 122 3.32. h-Index (H Bar) 123 3.33. Role Based h-major Index 124 3.34. 2nd Generation Citations h Index 124 3.35. n-Index 125 3.36. p-Index 126 3.37. Mock hm-Index 126 3.38. w-Index 126 3.39. b-Index 127 3.40. Generalized h-Index 128 3.41. Single Paper h-Index 128 3.42. Hirsch Type Index of International Recognition (hint-Index) 128 3.43. Mean h-Index 130 3.44. h3-Index 130 3.45. pv-Index 131 3.46. p-Index 131 3.47. Excellence Index (x-Index) 132 3.48. Ghent Rating (gh Rating) and High Fame Rating (hf Rating) 132 3.49. z-Index 133 3.50. Openness Index 133 3.51. Affinity Index 135 3.52. em-Index 136 3.53. Scientific Quality Index 137 3.54. c–index and Rectagular-Index 137 3.55. Integrated Impact Indicator (I3) 138 3.56. Academic Trace 139 3.57. Robust h-Index 140 3.58. hm index 140 3.59. gm-Index 141 3.60. ha-index 142 3.61. y-index 143 3.62. Author Affiliation Index 143 3.63. The Matthew Index 143 3.64. Schubert’s h-index 144 3.65. KCI Based Index (Kor Factor) 144 3.66. hT index 145 3.67. Paretian Hirsch Index 146 3.68. Nature Index 147 3.69. Jaccardized Czekanowski Similarity Index 148 3.70. Impact Factor Point Average (IFPA) index 149 3.71. Relative Measure Index 150 3.72. Gatekeeper Index 151 3.73. The Journal Download Immediacy Index (DII) 151 3.74. Co-word Analysis Index (c3 -index ) 151 3.75. The j-Index 152 3.76. The zp-Index 153 3.77. MAXPROD 154 3.78. Dependency Index (d-Index) 155 3.79. Field Ranking Index (IFQ2A – Index) 155 3.80. Scope Year Index 156 3.81. Perfectionism Index 157 3.82. Basic Research Competitiveness Index (BR-CI) 157 3.83. The Probabilistic Partnership Index 158 3.84. Weighted and Unweighted Euclidean Indices 158 3.85. Rational (Successive) h-Indices 158 3.86. The Merck Index 159 3.87. Technology Achievement Index 2009 (TAI) 160 3.88. Relative Priority Index 161 3.89. Cext-N Index 161 3.90. Year-Based h-type Indicators 162 3.91. Information Metrics (iMetrics) 162 3.92. Price Medalists’ Scholarly Impact 162 3.93. Partnership Ability Index (f-index) 164 3.94. First Author h-Index (Hfa Index) 165 3.95. Permuted Keyword Index 165 3.96. Lobby Index (hl) 165 3.97. Technological Innovation Index 166 3.98. Graphical and Corporate Index 167 3.99. The Science Strategy Index 168 3.100. Research Collaboration (RC) and Community Collaboration (CC) Index 168 3.101. Garfield’s Citation Index 169 3.102. Citer Success Index (cs-Index) 169 3.103. Author Affiliation Index (AAI) 170 3.104. Twitter Index 170 3.105. h2-Index 170 3.106. Term Frequency Keyword Active Index (TFKAI) 170 References 171 4 Webometric Indicators 177 Characteristics and Quality of Web Pages 179 Studies concerning Web Impact Factors 180 4.1. WebSize (WS) 182 4.2. Visibility (V) 183 4.3. Scholar (Sc) 183 4.4. Transversal links 184 References 186 5 Altmetric Indicators 189 5.1. Web Size 189 5.2. Viewed 190 5.3. Discussed 190 5.4. Recommended 191 5.5. Saved 191 5.6. Cited 191 5.7. Mendeley Readers (MR) 192 5.8. Academia Publications (AP) 192 5.9. ResearchGate Publications (RGP) 192 5.10. Likes (Lk) 193 5.11. Policy Mentions (PM) 193 5.12. Facebook Likes (FacL) 193 5.13. Academia Profile Views (APV) 193 5.14. ResearchGate Views (RGV) 194 5.15. Subscribers (Sub) 194 5.16. Blog Mentions (BM) 194 5.17. Twitter Mentions (TwM) 194 5.18. Facebook Shares (FacS) 194 Extracting mentions from public pages on Facebook 194 Querying the Graph API for engagement counts 195 5.19. Academia Document Views (ADV) 196 5.20. ResearchGate Downloads (RGD) 196 5.21. Comments (Com) 196 5.22. PubPeers Comments (PuPC) 196 5.23. News Mentions (NM) 197 5.24. Wikipedia Citations (WC) 197 5.25. Facebook Comments (FacC) 197 5.26. Academia Followers (Afr) 197 5.27. ResearchGate Impact Point (RGI) 197 5.28. Reviews (Rev) 198 5.29. F1000 Reviews (F1Re) 198 5.30. F1000 Ratings (F1R) 198 5.31. GoodReads Review (GoRev) 198 5.32. GoodReads Rating (GoRat) 199 5.33. Monographic Holding (MoH) 199 5.34. Monographic Rankings (MoR) 199 5.35. Amazon Reviews (ARev) 200 5.36. Number of Play Videos (Play) 200 5.37. Academia Following (Afg) 200 5.38. ResearchGate Follower (RGfr) 200 5.39. Exports (Exp) 201 5.40. Q & A Stack Exchange (Q&A) 201 5.41. Amazon Ratings (ARat) 201 5.42. Publons Score (PS) 201 5.43. Open Syllabus (OS) 201 5.44. ResearchGate Following (RGfg) 202 5.45. Reddit Recommendations (ReR) 202 5.46. F1000 Article Factors (F1FFa) 202 5.47. GoodRead Readers (GoRea) 202 5.48. Monographic Sales (MoS) 202 5.49. CiteULike 203 5.50. Bookmarks Delicious (BoD) 204 5.51. Altmetric Applications (AA) 205 5.52. Altmetric Attention Score (AAS) 208 References 210 6 Status of Scientometric Indicators in the Present Scenario 213 Disadvantages 216 Challenges 219 References 222 7 Future of Scientometric Indicators 223 References 233 About the Author Abhay Maurya is a Senior Research Fellow and perusing a Ph.D. in Scientometric from Mizoram University. He Holds MLIS from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi; BLIS from U.P.R.T.O. University, Allahabad; MA (Sociology) & BA from V.B.S.P. University, Jaunpur; O Level and CCC from N.I.L.E.T., New Delhi and PGDCA from Subharti University. He qualified UGC NET- JRF in 2019 and NET in 2017 in Library and Information Science. He has 2 books, 9 journal articles to his credit and has attended two international conferences. His specialization is in the areas of Bibliometric, Scientometric, Webometric, Altmetric, Ranking of higher education, AI, Data mining. Orcid id: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6097-3619 Dr. Amit Kumar is working as Assistant Professor in Department of Library and Information Science, Mizoram University (A Central University), Aizawl, India. He has obtained Ph.D. from Mizoram University. Prior to joining Mizoram University, he did MA in Pol. Sc., MLISc and M.Phil from University of Delhi in 2007, 2009 and 2011 respectively. He has more than 55 publications, in national and international journals and conferences of repute and has 3 edited books to his credit. He has participated in various professional programmes. He has also delivered presentations on various issues of LIS at numerous platforms. Dr. Kumar is the recipient of Young Professional Award 2017 by the Society for Library Professionals, New Delhi; Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing for the year 2019 and 2020 by different journals. Apart from this, Dr. Amit Kumar is an active member of professional association such as SRFLIS and ILA. His areas of interest include ICT application in libraries; informal learning library consortia; marketing of LIS and metric studies such as Bibliometrics; Scientometrics; Altmetrics etc.