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The Evolutionary Universe and Self-Consciosness Human Being

The Evolutionary Universe and Self-Consciosness Human Being

Author:V N Misra
ISBN 13:9788124612811
Published On:1st September 2024
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Philosophy

About the Book

CONTENTS: Preface, Introduction, Origin and Duration of the Universe (Based on Indian Philosophy), The Universe and Its Saṁsāra (Empirical World), Scientific Views on the Origin of the Universe, Vedāntic Views on the Origin of the Universe and Its Status, Dr̥ṣṭi-Sr̥ṣṭivāda, Buddhist’s View of the Universe and Empirical World (Saṁsāra), Universe, Constitution of Atom, Prakr̥ti, Transcendental Unity of Self-consciousness, Vedāntic Interpretation of Transcendental, Unity of Self-consciousness, Self-consciousness in Hegel’s Philosophy, Lordship and Bondage, Freedom of Self-consciousness, Purusa (Self-conscious Human Being) in the Sāṁkhya–Yoga of Indian Philosophy, Self-Conscious Being in Advaita Vedānta, Vivaraṇa School of Vedānta, Bhāmatī School of Vedānta, Relation between the Absolute and the Individual Self, Witness Consciousness, 1. Are Particles Conscious?, Thought Experiment, Two-Hole Experiment, Wave–Particle Duality, Bohr’s Complementarity View, 2. Space and Time, Introduction, Vaiśeṣika Philosophy, Space, Time, Space and Time, The Atomic Theory, The Eleven Moments Theory, Functions of Different Atoms, Thought Process and Atom, Self and Atom in Vedāntic Perspective, Philosophy of Sāṁkhya–Yoga, Time, Space, Space and Time, Advaita Vedānta, Time, Time and Space as One, Space and Time as Illusion, Time, Philosophy of Bauddha Dharma: Mādhyamika System, Space, Time, Yogācāra Vijñānavāda Buddhism, Time and Space (Eternity and Infinity), Hume’s Philosophy (Time and Space), Space, Time, Kant’s Philosophy, Metaphysical Exposition of Space and Time, Priority of Time over Space, Scientific Views on Space and Time, Consciousness and Time, Temporality of Consciousness, Non-thetic and Thetic Consciousness, The Past, The Present, The Future, The Ecstatic Unity of Consciousness, 3. Thought as the Source of Nature and Quantum Physics, Introduction, The Quantum Theory of Physics, The Concept of One in Many and Many in One, Matter: Wholeness and Implicate Order, What Is Order?, Quantum Field Theory and Implicate Order, Implicate Order and Generative Order, Consciousness and Implicate Order, Consciousness and Matter, Interconnection between Consciousness and Matter, Observer in Quantum Physics, Emerging Implications, David Bohm’s Views on Consciousness and Matter, Awareness and Attention, 4. Substantiality and Causality, Introduction, Causality: An Overview, Vaiśeṣika Theory of Causation, Motion, Motion in Relation to Its Causes, Adr̥ṣṭa, Concept of Vega, Causes of Pressure and of Impact, Sāṁkhya Theory of Causation, Objection, Answer, Prakr̥ti, Advaita Vedānta, Philosophy of Bauddha Dharma, The Causal Theory of Co-production, Nāgārjuna’s View of Causality, The Theory of Self-becoming, Production from Another, Production from Both, Production Without Any Cause, Sautrāntika’s View of Causality in Perception, Causal Aspect of Ālaya-Vijñāna of Yogācāra Vijñānavāda Buddhism, Hume’s Views on Causation and Causality, Kant’s Concept of Causality, Scientific Views on Causality, Quantum Field Theory and Implicate Order, Implicate Order and Generative Order, Consciousness and Implicate Order, Interconnection between Consciousness and Matter, 5. Continuity, Introduction, Matter as Atom and Particles, Complementarity in Duality of Matter, Energy as the Basis of Universe, Prakr̥ti, Guṇa, Mutually Dominating, Mutually Supporting, Mutually Productive, Mutually Cooperative, Consciousness, The Concept of Saṁskāra of Sāṁkhya–Yoga, Advaita Vedānta Theory of Saṁskāra (Disposition), The Concept of Saṁskāra in the Philosophy of Bauddha Dharma, Dependent Origination and Saṁskāra, Saṁskāra (Kārmic Formations) and Viññāna (Consciousness), David Bohm’s Views on Consciousness and Matter, Awareness and Attention, Implications of Main Tendencies of Self- Consciousness for Human Life, Self-protection, Instinct of Self-procreation, Disembodied Survival of the Mental and Consciousness, Consciousness as Transmigration and Buddhist Soul, Transmigration of Consciousness, Buddhist Soul, Epilogue, Bibliography, Index.