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The Idol Thief: The True Story of The Looting of India’s Temples

The Idol Thief: The True Story of The Looting of India’s Temples

Author:S Vijay Kumar
ISBN 13:9789393986139
Subject:Language and literature

About the Book

Subhash Kapoor was a New York-based antiques dealer whose pieces can be seen in every major museum of the world. In October 2011 when he presented his passport at immigration in Germany, Kapoor was unceremoniously whisked away into Interpol custody. India had weeks earlier issued a red-corner notice for his arrest after connecting him to audacious idol thefts in two Tamil Nadu temples. This is the unbelievable true story of how Kapoor was caught, told by a man who had for years been chasing him and is still tracking idols that have passed through his hands. Prepare to be shocked at the twenty-firstcentury pillaging of India’s temples by a glittering cast of suave criminals. About the Author S. Vijay Kumar is a Singapore-based finance and shipping expert who is general manager of a leading ocean transportation company in South East Asia. Around 2007–08 he started a blog on Indian art called poetryinstone.in. Vijay’s blog led him to a group of art enthusiasts and with them his pursuits have led him to track cases of art theft. Around 2010 Vijay also got involved with both Indian and US law enforcement agencies investigating cases of idol theft and smuggling.This book is based on his collaboration with these law enforcement agencies and relies heavily on documents he’s seen and people he’s spoken to during this association.Vijay has played a role in the arrests of idol thieves and smugglers. He has also had a major hand in matching stolen idols with pieces that have been acquired by museums, thereby ensuring their repatriation to India.