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The Role of Christians In Education

The Role of Christians In Education

Author:V Alexander Pao
ISBN 13:9788183706391
Subject:Education and Psychology

About the Book

What sort of society do you want? What sort of people do you want? What kind of structure of the society does the nation want? As far as the Naga society is concerned, the right education is the foremost. Hundred years ago most of the educational institutions were in the hand of Christian Missions, though most of the teachers were not qualified but they were dedicated as well as disciplined. They produced 90% responsible citizens and leaders with Christian principles. But as we see today the situation reversed. Most of the institutions are in the hand of government. It shows that secular nature of education system captured our young people thereby our children become liability to our society. Christian approach to education must start from a Christian view for the society. Hence theology of education is needed to give proper education for spiritual building. The great centralities of life are to be thought (Duet. 6:1-9). We must turn around our face to the other way. I believe that godless society cannot be expected to produce a glorious society. The latest National Statistical report shown that Nagaland is standing as the highest literacy rate with 85% in the country. But have to prove the quality of education and responsible citizen Martin Luther King said, “The prosperity of a country depend not