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Trade-Led Economic Growth

Trade-Led Economic Growth

Author:Tanya S. and T.K. Shandilya
ISBN 13:9788193637852

About the Book

Contents: 1. Indian agriculture and agreement of WTO. 2. Performance of the external sector of India. 3. Growth-transparency trade-off. 4. An empirical investigation of causal link between evidence of trade-led growth in India. 5. A review of trade-led growth in India. 6. Trade-led growth in India and china. 7. Recent developments in India’s foreign trade. 8. India’s export efficiency and economic growth during pre-WTO and post-WTO periods. 9. The impact of trips of WTO’s trade agreement on Indian economy. 10. Environment related multilateral trade agreements under WTO and their implications for Indian exports. 11. Economic growth and international trade in India. 12. Impact of European Union and Asean countries on India’s trade volume using gravity model. 13. A critical evaluation of impact of India-Sri Lanka free trade agreement on their trade and economic relations. 14. India-Asean free trade agreement. 15. Impact of Asean-India free trade agreement. 16. Impact of commodities transaction tax on trading volume in India. 17. The impacts of inflation and terms of trade on exchange rate. 18. Impact of gold imports on current account deficit. 19. Impact of trade agreements on pharmaceutical industries. 20. Trips over Indian patent regime and trade of medicinal plants. 21. Inverse capital flow. 22. Global economic crisis and Indian economy: role of the external sector. 23. External sector induced major financial crisis and the Indian economy in recent years. 24. Determinants of FDI in India (revisited). 25. Foreign savings in India. 26. Variations in exchange rate of Indian rupee and impending general elections. 27. Agricultural performance and trade during the past decade. 28. Trade liberalisation and environment protection. 29. International trade under digital age. Trade is an important stimulator of economic growth. It enlarges a country’s consumption capacities, increases world output, and provides access to scarce resources and worldwide markets for products without which poor countries would be unable to grow. The whole economic basis for international trade rests on the fact that countries do differ in their resource endowments, their preferences and technologies, their scale economies, their economic and social institutions and their capacities for growth and development. Exports provide foreign exchange that can be used for importing consumption goods, intermediate goods or capital goods and imports of capital goods and intermediate goods can increase economic growth through technological diffusion. This book “Trade-Led Economic Growth” is an attempt to deal with a debatable and burning topic in present context. This book has highlighted the different aspects of trade-led growth. About twenty-eight eminent economists/researchers from different backgrounds have contributed their research papers. The coverage of this book is quite comprehensive, the papers do not only study the different aspects of trade led growth, but an attempt has also been made to provide futuristic insights too. This book will certainly provide sufficient matters to readers for understanding the trade led growth.