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259 Inherited Recepies of Odisha

259 Inherited Recepies of Odisha

Author:Ritu Pattanaik
ISBN 13:9788119327027
Subject:Home Science and Hotel Management

About the Book

With the inevitable rapid intermixing of different cultures and the growing preference for a city based lifestyle, the age old methods of Odia cooking is perhaps loosing its preference, giving way to a more mixed-up menu in the household dining room. Another important factor is that with the change in lifestyle, home cooking has become little out-fashioned for the new city dwellers. People, particularly the young people are no more keen on spending time in the kitchen as they seldom get little time for it in their tightly scheduled day to day work. The reasons for a lost interest in the traditional styles if cooking of the region could be numerable. But the truth is the traditional styles of cooking of the region still exist in our villages and in the memories of our parents and grand parents.