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Books on China

(Showing 1 - 24 products of 220 products)
Ji Xianlin: A Critical Biography
China's Strategic Deterrence
CHINA AND INDIA: Dialogue of Civilisations
21st Century China: View and Vision
Chinas Aid to Africa
China’s High-Speed Rail Development (International Development in Focus)
Chinese Poems and Pictures on Ahimsa by RaghuVira and Vibrations of Ahimsa in China by Lokesh Chandra
The Key to Chinese Civilization : The Explication and Exploration of Chinese Characters
Trajectory of Red Army's Unmanned Warfare (United Service Institution of India)
Tao of Soldiering The Chinese Paradigm: The Shift in Human Resources Development in PLA and Lessons for India
China in the Indian Ocean: One Ocean, Many Strategies
CPEC: Pakistan Towards Chinese Slavery
China and String of Pearls
Sino India Towards Grave Confrontation
Xi Jinping’s Chinese Dream Foreign Policy, Politics and Development
Dragon Emerging Colonies in World
The Third Birth of Confucius: Reconstructing the Ancient Chinese Philosophy in the Post-Mao China
Soft Power and Public Diplomacy in India and China
China and Covid-19: Domestic and External Dimensions
Indian Studies: China-India Relations
China and Russia: A Lifeline to North Korea
China-India-Japan in the Indo-Pacific: Ideas, Interests and Infrastructure
India and China: Building Strategic Trust
BORDER CRISIS: LAC Between India and China