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New Arrivals

Ecology and Environment

(Showing 481 - 504 products of 691 products)
Paryavaran: Satat Vikas Evam Jeevan (Hindi)
Payswani Narmada: Dr Shiv Kumar Tiwari ke Narmada Vishyak Nebandho ka Samgrah (Padam Bhushan Pandit Kunjiolal Dube Smrti Granthmala: Tritiya Pushap) Hindi
People, Planet, and Progress Beyond 2015
Perspectives in Pollution Control and Sustainable Development
Plant Response to Environmental Stress
Playing with Nature: History and Politics of Environment in North-East India
Pluriverse: A Post–Development Dictionary
Political Ecology of Survival: Life and Labour in the River Lands of East and North-East India
Political Economy of Water
Pollution Control Acts, Rules & Notifications Issued Thereunder
Pollution Control and Biodiversity Conservation
Pollution Monitoring and Control
Pollution Related Disasters (Indian Institute of Disaster Management)
Pollution Risks, Impacts and Management: Social, Economic and Environmental Perspectives
Pollution and Health
Pollution, Plant Health and Biotechnology
Population Ecology
Post-Growth Thinking in India: Towards Sustainable Egalitarian Alternatives
Powering India in 2017 and Beyond Hardcover
Pracheen Sanskrit Sahitya me Prayavaran Parisheelan (Visesh sandarb: Ved, ramayan evam Kalidas - Sahitya) Hindi
Prakritik Sasadhan Khanij (Khanij Niti, Khanan Udyog, Saposhit Vikas aur Paryavaran Surakshaw adi Vishyo per takniki aalekho ka sankalan) Hindi
Prayavaran Adhyayan (Environmental Studies) Hindi
Prayavaran Adhyayan evam Samsamayik Mude (Environmental Studies and Contemporary Issues) Hindi
Prayavaran Vigyan: Ek Adhyayan (Hindi)