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(Showing 409 - 432 products of 1618 products)
An Outline Buddhism (The Religion of Wisdom and Compassion)
The Twelve Deeds A Brief Life Story of Tonpa Shenrab, the founder of the Bon religion
Nand Gautamiyam (A Play)
Collection of Quotations form The Buddha
The Diamond Sutra and The Heart Sutra (Paperback)
The Salistamba Sutra
Buddhas' Little Book of Life: Daily Wisdom from the Great Masters, Teachers and Writers of All Time
Buddhist Meditation
The Path of Tibetan Buddhism (The End of Suffering and the Discovery of Happiness)
On Voidness (A Study on Buddhist Nihilism)
Murder in the Monastery
Married to Bhutan (How One Woman Got Lost, Said " I Do," and Found Bliss)
The Struggle for Modern Tibet: The Autobiography of Tashi Tsering
Bauddha Dharma aur Paryavaran (Hindi)
Indian Society in Buddhist Literature
People of the Prayerwheel (Revised and Enlarged Edition 2013)
An Account of Tibet: The Travels of Ippolito Desideri 1712-1727
Studies in the Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita and other Essays
A Handbook of Buddhist Languages
The Far shore: Vipassana, The Practice of Insight
Zen and Japenese Buddhism
Jnansarsamuccayah of Acarya Aryadevas, Sanskrit text with the commentary of Acarya Bodhibhadra, restored, tr. in to Tibetan and critically ed. (Postage charges extra)
Ahimsa : Buddhism and the Vegetarian Ideal