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Aryapancavimsatisahasrikaprajnaparamita (Sanskrit), Vol.2 Chapters 2-4 (Postage charges extra)
Buddhist Texts through the Ages
Vijnapti Matrata Siddhi of Vasubandhu
Buddhism Across Asia: Networks of Material, Intellectual and Cultural Exchange (Vol. 1)
Along The Buddhist Path: The Meditator\'s Companion to the Sacred Sites in Indian & Nepal Paperback
Thiksey Monastery of Ladakh Himalaya
Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies - Volume IX (Buddhist Philosophy from 350 to 600 A.D.)
Socially Engaged Buddhism
Sources for the History of Bhutan
Manual of Indian Buddhism
Patimokkha (An Old and Rare Book)
First Collection of Tibetan Historical Inscriptions on Rock and Stone Ladakh Himalaya
A Treatise On Buddhist Philosophy Of Abhidhamma: Consciousness, Mental Properties and Particular Concomitants in Consciousness
The Dhammapada: A Collection of Verses
The Lion's Roar of Queen Srimala (A Buddhist Scripture on the Tathagatagarbha Theory)
Buddhism in Kashmir
Abhidhammatthasangaho of Acarya Anuruddha, with comm. \'Abhidhammakaumudini\', Vol.1, (Pali, Tibetan & Hindi), the original Pali text with Hindi & Tibetan tr
The Lepchas of Drongu Region In Sikkim : A Narrative of Cultural Heritage and Folklore
History of Theravada Buddhism in South-East Asia (With special reference to India and Ceylon)
'R' The Frozen Ink
Bauddh Shaiva aur Shakt Tantra: Samanyatmak sanshleshan ek Anjan Siddpith Maluti (Hindi)
The Awakening of Faith ashvaghosha
Buddhism in Southeast Asia
Buddhist Studies: A Prospective Dimension