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Philosophy and Religion
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Utpaladeva, Philosophy of Recognition
Raffaele Torella and Bettina Baumer
Modality, Essence and Possible Worlds
Ed by Indrani Sanyal,
The Saundaryalahari (2nd revised edition)
Guru Nitya Chaitanya Yati,
Manu Smriti A Critical Study and Its Relevance in the Modern Times
Asha Rani Tripathi
The Sarvadarshanasamgraha of Madhavacharya
E.B. Cowell,and A.E. Gough
Sanskrit Studies Vol. 4, Samvat 2071-72
C. Upender Rao,
Vision of Advaita Vedanta in Taittiriya Upanishad With Special Reference to Shankarabhashya
Swamini Atmaprajnananda Saraswati,
Vedamrtavbindav: Drops of Vedic Nectar (Ved ke Amrit-Bindu)
Shashiprabha Kumar,
Siddhantkaumudi Punralochan(Hindi)
Sukhesvara Jha
Siddhantkaumudi Punralochan भट्टोजिदीक्षितकृत सिद्धान्तक&#
Sukhesvara Jha
Payyur Bhattas and purva mimamsa literature
Dr. P.M. Vasudevan Nambudiri ; editor, Dr. K.H. Subrahmanian
Nyayasiddhantamuktavali of Vishvanatha Panchanana with Dinakari by Mahadeva Bhatt(Text with Hindi tr.)
Rajaram Shukla
Kalidas natakedhavanyalankar saundaryam
Dr Rajkumar Mahajan
Sanskrit and Computational Linguistics (Select Papers Presented in the Sanskrit and the IT World section at the 16th World Sanskrit Conference(28 June-2 July 2015) Bangkok, Thailand
by Amba Kulkarni (Author), Oliver Hellwig and Wiebke Petersen (Contributor), & 9
Krtya-Tattvarnava Part II
Srinatha Acarya Cudamani edited by Rajendra Chandra Hazra
Srsti-Swarupam (Collection of papers presented by eminent scholars in the seminar on Srsti in Indian philosophy)
Edited by Dr A V Nagassmpige & Dr Ranganatha Katti
The Grhya Sutras of Lauguksi Maharsi with the Bhasya of devapala
Edited by Sannidha
Some aspects of sanskrit chandah sastra
Dr Govindlal S Shah
Erotics in Kalidasa - V : Nayakanayika Nakhasikhanirupana (Sanskrit Text-Hindi Translation)
Edited by Sushma Kulshreshtha
Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Vol. 1, part 2
Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Vol. 8, parts 3-4
Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Vol. 90, 2009, ed. by Maitreyee Deshpande(Postage charges extra)
Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Vol.10, parts 1-4 (Postage charges extra(
Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Vol.11, parts 1-4 (Postage charges extra)