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Vedas and Puranas

(Showing 145 - 168 products of 338 products)
Janiye Upanishadon Ko (Hindi)
Sankara Vedanta for Environmental Harmony: A Novel Interpretation of the Age-Old Advaita Vedanta Darsana
Vishnu Mahapuranam Text with English Translation & Index English Translation by M.N. Dutt
Modern English Translation of The Rig Veda Samhitaa Vol. II (Mandala 3, 4, 5 & 6)
Rgvediya Krudant Pado ka Swar-Vimarsh (Hindi)
Scientific Aspects of Vedic Knowledge
An Introduction to Commentary on Vedas (RigedaadibhaaShyabhuumika)
ISHADI UPANISHAD SANGRAH (2 Volumes Set) Hindi and Sanskrit
A Hermeneutic Study of Vacanamrtam
The Paippalada-Samhita of The Atharvaveda (Critically edited from palmleaf manuscripts in the Oriya Script discovered by Durgamohan Bhattacharyya and one Sarada Manuscripts) Vol. One Consisting of the first fifteen Kanda
JINASENA'S ADIPURANA (Sanskrit Text with English Translation and Notes) 2 Volumes Set
Studies in the Puranic Records on Hindu Rites and Customs (Reprint Edition, first ublished in 1988)
The Teaching of the Vedas: What Light Does it Throw on the Origin and Development of Religion? (First Indian Edition)
Agnistoma : Volumes I and II / complete description of the normal form of soma sacrifice in the Vedic cult
Vishnupuran - Ek adhyayanam (Text with Hindi Translation)
Upanisads and Edith Stein: A Dialogue on the Models of the Person
Isha Upanishad
Vishnu Purana
The Branches of the Rig Veda Different Traditions in Vedic Period A Comparative Study of the Sakha Samhita Volume I
Rgveda Samhita: Yatharth Anuvad (Anavya tatha Arth Sahit) (Bhag 1, Mandal 1 or 2) (Sanskrit and Hindi)
Upanishad Shiksha Darshan (Educational Philosophy in Upanishadic Literature)
SCIENCE AND PURANAS With Sri Ramanuja's Gita Bhashyam And Prescribed Conduct To Attain Liberation
Atharvaveda and Natural Resources
Shivmahapuranam (Mool tatha Bhashanuvad) (Sanskrit and Hindi) Volume One Gian Samhita, Santkumar Samhita)