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(Showing 1249 - 1272 products of 1495 products)
Agricultural Transformation and Rural Development in India: Issues, Challenges and Possibilities
Malabar Neem Melia Dubia
Climate Change and Quality Seed Production Technology
Sustainable Dryland Farming
A Manual of Weeds
Agronomic Management Practices for Field Crop Production
Soil Survey of India
Essentials of Soil Science
An Introduction to Fungi: (4th Edition)
Elementary Botany
Textbook of Soil Science
The Bael in India
Research Methodology for Agricultural Science
Soil Cadmium: Effects of Amendments and Absorption by Plants
Basmati Rice The Natural History Geographical Indication
Crop Nutrition: Principles and Practices
Dictionary of Commemorative Plant Generic Names Volume XXV (Meratia-Mountfordara)
Introduction to Maintenance Plant Breeding
Soil and Applied Microbiology
Ladybird Beetles: As Bio Security Force
Fundamentals of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
Methods of Soil and Water Analysis
Handbook of Soil Water and Plant Analysis
Dryland Farming and Watershed Management